Mastering Money and Mindset: Rory Douglas’ Mission to Educate and Inspire

In a recent sit-down with Rory Douglas, the founder of Aqua Financial Centre in Encino, CA, and best-selling author, we explored his passion for spreading financial literacy across the nation. Douglas, a seasoned financial educator, high-performance life coach, and author of the international best-seller Cracking the Rich Code, is spearheading a campaign to help Americans regain control over their finances.

Interviewer: Rory, your latest book, “Cracking the Rich Code,” has been making waves internationally. How does this book align with your mission of spreading financial literacy?

Rory Douglas: Cracking the Rich Code is really an extension of my life’s work. In the book, I collaborated with Tony Robbins, Jim Britt, and Kevin Harrington—three individuals who have shaped my journey as a coach and financial educator. The aim is simple: empower entrepreneurs and everyday people to break through financial barriers. Financial literacy is a critical life skill that’s too often overlooked. Through this book, I want to give readers the tools to take control of their financial future and understand how wealth is built.

Interviewer: You’ve made a significant shift from the entertainment industry to the financial sector. What led to that transition?

Rory Douglas: I spent over two decades in the entertainment and investment industries, where I helped artists and entrepreneurs align their passions with their purpose. But I noticed a gap—many successful people had fame but lacked the financial literacy to sustain long-term wealth. It wasn’t just about money; it was about purpose, fulfillment, and using wealth as a tool for freedom. That realisation pushed me to transition to financial education, where I could serve not just entertainers but everyone—from CEOs to college students.

Interviewer: You often say, “The average American is 1 to 2 pay cheques away from being homeless.” Why is this message so important today?

Rory Douglas: The statistics are alarming. One in two Americans lives pay cheque to pay , and one in three is in debt. The pandemic only magnified these financial disparities. I’ve made it my mission to help people understand money management, investments, and wealth-building strategies. Without financial literacy, people remain stuck in a cycle of poverty, regardless of how much they earn. Financial literacy isn’t a luxury; it’s a necessity.

Interviewer: You’ve been coaching high-profile clients—CEOs, attorneys, and seven-figure earners. What unique value do you bring to them?

Rory Douglas: It’s really about helping them answer three critical questions: “Who am I? What do I want? And how do I get it?” Financial success is about more than just numbers on a balance sheet—it’s about clarity and purpose. I combine life coaching with the principles of spiritual psychology to help my clients overcome self-limiting beliefs. Whether they’re managing millions or just starting out, the principles are the same. I help them get “over it and on with it”—moving past their hurdles toward fulfillment.

Interviewer: You’re also focused on youth and community outreach. Can you tell us more about your work with younger generations?

Rory Douglas: Absolutely! Young people are the future, and they’re growing up in a world where financial systems are more complex than ever. I speak at colleges, universities, and community organisations to break down financial concepts into relatable terms. I teach them about the power of investing early, saving smartly, and avoiding debt traps. These lessons aren’t taught in schools, so I feel a responsibility to bridge that gap.

Interviewer: What’s next for you, Rory? Where do you see your mission going from here?

Rory Douglas: I’m on a national campaign right now, but the goal is to go global. I want to continue speaking with corporations, ministries, non-profits, and community organisations to spread this message. Financial literacy is a universal need, and I believe we can transform lives by helping people master their money. More books, more outreach, and perhaps even an online platform to make financial education more accessible.

Interviewer: It sounds like you have a powerful vision. Any final words for those looking to take control of their financial future?

Rory Douglas: Don’t wait for the perfect time. Financial freedom starts with a single step—whether it’s reading a book, seeking a mentor, or attending a workshop. And always remember, you’re not just building wealth for today; you’re creating a legacy. Take control of your money, align it with your purpose, and you’ll find freedom beyond the dollar.


Rory Douglas continues to empower individuals across the globe, teaching them the importance of financial literacy, personal purpose, and financial independence. Through his work, countless individuals are stepping out of limitation and into a life of freedom and fulfillment.

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